How to Cook Pork on a Turbo Broiler

Turbo broilers are gaining in popularity with many home cooks. These portable convection ovens include a large glass pot and a fan in the lid. The fan blows heated air throughout the oven, resulting in even and efficient cooking. The turbo broiler is, thus, an easy way to prepare meat. In addition, as it cooks, the hot air melts the fatty parts of the meat, leaving the meat tender and juicy. The meat cooks in its own juices, with no added cooking oil needed.


Step 1

Use your favorite cut of pork chops, roast or even ribs. Rinse the pork in running water and drain it off well. Combine the garlic, salt and pepper and coat the meat with this seasoning mixture. To add variety, add in additional seasonings of your choosing. Herbs that go well with pork include caraway seeds, coriander, cumin, rosemary, sage, fennel, savory and thyme.


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Step 2

Place the pork in the cooking pot with enough water to cover it. Add the bay leaf and bring the water to a boil. Simmer for half an hour or until the meat is tender and then let it sit to cool off before placing it in the broiler.

Step 3

Preheat the turbo broiler to 425 F, or about 220 C. When the pork is cooled down enough to handle easily, it can be placed on one of the wire racks inside of the broiler.

Step 4

Cook the pork in the turbo broiler for about 45 minutes or until the skin turns a rich brown color and becomes crunchy. Remove the meat, set it aside to drain for 15 minutes and then cut it and serve it.


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Step 1

Put the pork and the marinade ingredients in a closed plastic bag and let the pork sit, refrigerated for an hour or more, before cooking it. The main ingredients of a marinade consist of oil; an acid such as vinegar, lemon juice, or wine; and spices. As the food stands in the mixture, the acid and the oil locks the flavors of the spices into the meat.


Step 2

Drain the meat and cook it at 425 F, or about 220 C, in the broiler for about an hour or until the meat is tender.

Step 3

Let the meat cool and serve it with your favorite gravy or barbecue sauce.

Things You'll Need

  • Turbo broiler

  • Large cooking pot

  • 3 pounds pork

  • 2 cloves finely minced garlic

  • Bay leaf

  • Pepper

  • Salt

  • Meat thermometer


If the crust on the meat seems to be burning before it is done, you can slow down the cooking time by lowering the rack it is on, turning down the broiler temperature or putting a piece of aluminum foil loosely over the top of the meat.

For a tasty addition to the meal, add vegetables such as carrots, onions, peppers and potatoes on the rack underneath the one that holds the pork roast. Fats from the meat will drip onto the vegetables and be dispersed by the broiler's heated air. Cook the vegetables for 10 to 15 minutes until tender and then remove them, leaving the meat to finish cooking.


Eating undercooked pork presents a risk of foodborne illness. Using a food thermometer is a reliable way to ensure that your food is safe to eat. Pork is fully done when it reaches an internal temperature of at least 145 F before being removed from the heat source.

Do not cut or chop the pork before cooking it. Otherwise, the natural juices of the meat will escape during the broiling process and the meat will dry out.

Maintaining a proper temperature is important. Turbo broilers cook more efficiently than conventional ovens, and care should be taken that the meat does not start to burn on the outside before it is completely cooked on the inside.

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