Nutrition in Bamboo Rice

Sushi on skewers made with bamboo rice at a street fair.
Image Credit: HaiMinhDuong/iStock/Getty Images

Bamboo rice is a type of rice popular in Asia, and it is made by infusing the grains with juice squeezed from bamboo plants. This action gives bamboo rice its distinctive green color and also adds a sticky consistency, so you might find bamboo rice to be a good choice for making sushi. Bamboo rice, as with other types of rice, is rich in carbohydrates and relatively calorie-dense.



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Bamboo rice is relatively calorie-dense, as a cup of the rice provides 160 calories, or 8 percent of the daily suggested intake of 2,000. If you're dieting, you can burn off bamboo rice relatively quickly through activity. For example, a 16-minute jog or 13 minutes of jumping rope can be sufficient to burn off 160 calories.

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Carbohydrates are the primary calorie source in bamboo rice. Each cup of this type of rice contains 34 g of carbs, which is 9 g more than a cup of oatmeal provides. High-carb foods can be useful for fueling athletic activity, as carbs provide your body with energy.


Bamboo rice is not a rich source of one vital type of carbohydrate -- dietary fiber. Each cup of this product contains only 1 g of fiber. You need fiber to maintain the health of your digestive system, aid in providing feelings of fullness and to keep your blood sugar levels stable.


Bamboo rice, as with other types of rice, is low in protein. Each cup contains only 3 g of protein, which is half of what an egg provides. You need protein to build and repair your body's cells and tissues.



Bamboo rice does not contain any fat. This can be beneficial if you're dieting, as fat is calorie-dense, but fat does provide energy and helps your body absorb vitamins.
