A 5-Day Gym Workout Plan for Cardio Queens (and Kings!)

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Mix up your daily cardio workout to keep yourself engaged mentally and physically.
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When it comes to cardio workouts, there's no ‌one‌ type of exercise that works for everyone. The cardio training plan you choose largely depends on your goals and preferences. However, for a varied routine, try the following five-day plan at the gym. It's challenging, fun — plus, you can get it done anytime.


Types of Gym Cardio Workouts

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First, it's important to know your cardio options at the gym. Usually, that means using a cardio machine, which may include:

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  • Treadmill
  • Elliptical
  • Stationary bike
  • Recumbent bike
  • Stair climber
  • Rowing machine

Regardless of which type you choose (or whether you opt for body-weight cardio), your workout can be further categorized as either interval training or steady-state cardio. Both types have their place in a cardio workout plan, and you can combine them throughout the week to meet your minimum activity requirements, per the ‌Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans‌. These guidelines call for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (or 75 minutes of vigorous activity) spread throughout the week.

Interval training refers to any kind of training that involves alternating between periods of work and bouts of recovery. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and Tabata are two forms of interval training. The difference is the length of the intervals and recovery. Whereas HIIT can be any length, Tabata involves 20 seconds of intense activity followed by 10 seconds of rest or low-intensity exercise, repeated for four minutes.

In contrast, during steady-state cardio, your maintain a consistent speed and intensity level for the duration of your workout. This form of exercise is performed at a more moderate pace than interval training. By engaging in both moderate and intense activity as part of your gym cardio workouts, you'll more easily meet your requirements without over-stressing your body.


Day 1: 30-Minute Treadmill HIIT Workout

For day one of your five-day cardio workout plan, start with high-intensity intervals on the treadmill. Why HIIT? You can finish your workout in 30 minutes or less, making it idea for people with busy schedules. HIIT is also effective at helping you break past a training plateau and improve aerobic efficiency — both of which can help you perform optimally if, say, you're training for a race or other athletic event.


If you're looking to lose weight, HIIT workouts may also help boost your weight-loss efforts, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Not only do HIIT workouts help you torch calories quickly, but they also allow you to burn calories after a workout is done due to the oxygen demands placed on your body.


Ready to hit the ground running? Do this 30-minute HIIT workout on the treadmill (or elliptical, stair stepper or stationary bike if you prefer).


  • Warm up by walking at a moderate pace with a slight incline for three minutes.
  • Increase the incline by 5 to 15 percent and continue walking for three minutes.
  • Bring the incline to flat and increase your pace to a run or sprint for one minute.
  • Repeat the cycle six times.
  • Cool down by walking flat for three minutes.

You can switch up this simple treadmill routine by adjusting the incline up or down or varying the length of the intervals. For example, you could decrease the length of the rest periods and/or increase the length of the sprints.


Day 2: 45-Minute LISS Bike Workout

Hop on a stationary bike (or venture out into the great outdoors) and ride at a consistent pace and effort for 45 minutes. Low-intensity, steady-state (LISS) cardio generally needs to be performed for longer periods to gain the full benefits — roughly 30 to 60 minutes — especially if you're trying to lose weight.

ACE notes that because steady-state cardio allows you to work below your maximum heart rate, it's an effective way to improve cardiovascular health and aerobic capacity. It generates less metabolic waste and cellular damage than HIIT workouts and also may help your body efficiently burn fat for fuel.


If you're training for an endurance event, such as a marathon or triathlon, steady-state cardio will help you prepare, especially if you use the opportunity as a cross-training workout (picking a mode of cardio that's different from regular training). Be cautious not to overdo it on this type of training, as it may increase your risk of repetitive stress injuries due to the lengthier sessions.

Day 3: 4-Minute Tabata Elliptical Workout

A traditional Tabata workout follows a specific training protocol consisting of 20 seconds of all-out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for a total of four minutes.



For day three of your cardio workout plan, use the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike or stair stepper to perform intervals at a 2-1 work/recovery ratio for 30 minutes. Choose a different machine than you used on the first day so you can continue challenging different muscle groups throughout the week. So if you're on the elliptical, your workout may look like this:

  • Warm up for three to five minutes at a moderate pace with light resistance.
  • Increase the resistance and up your pace to your maximum effort for 20 seconds.
  • Take off the added resistance and slow down your pace to recover for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat eight times total.
  • Cool down with three to five minutes a moderate pace with light resistance


To be a true Tabata workout, you have to push yourself to your max with each and every speed interval. It's a short workout but it should be intense.

Day 4: 30-Minute Body-Weight Circuit Workout

Circuit training typically includes several different exercise stations. You complete the exercises one station at a time without resting in between. You can set up as many stations as you like to complete one or more circuits within 30 to 60 minutes.

Circuit training is fun yet challenging, and you'll be amazed at how quickly the time flies by. Plus, they're big calorie burners: A 30-minute session burns about 300 calories for a 155-pound person, according to Harvard Health Publishing. You can also create a variety of different circuits and even incorporate different types of equipment, such as resistance bands, dumbbells and kettlebells.

It might not always be possible to set up a bunch of different circuits at the gym, depending on space and the availability of equipment. If you can do it, though, you can perform a simple circuit that includes both aerobic and strength exercises. Some gyms also offer group circuit training or personal training that incorporates circuits.

For your day-four circuit, you'll alternate brief bouts of cardio exercise with strength exercises that you can complete using your own body weight. Pick any cardio machine and follow this workout:


  • Warm up for three to five minutes with cardio drills and dynamic stretches.
  • Hop on your chosen cardio machine and go for four minutes at a steady, challenging pace.
  • Get off the machine and perform 60 seconds of a body-weight exercise (push-ups, mountain climbers, lunges, squat jumps, plank up-downs or burpees).
  • Repeat the circuit six times or more, using a different body-weight exercise each time.
  • Cool down with three to five minutes of static stretching.

Day 5: Cardio-Based Group Workout Class

Make day five your "fun day" of your gym cardio workouts with a cardio-based group workout class at your gym or at a boutique studio. Most classes are about an hour long and are set to music. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Zumba:‌ Great for anyone who enjoys dance, this class combines movements from a variety of dance styles.
  • Water aerobics:‌ This workout involves performing exercises in waist-high water, sometimes using weights.
  • Indoor cycling:‌ Using a stationary bike, you'll likely alternate between periods of intense effort and rest, climbs and flat roads as your instructor guides you to increase or decrease resistance.
  • Kickboxing:‌ Perform punches, kicks and other high-energy movements, with or without a punching bag.

Many people thrive on the group-fitness atmosphere, where you have a live instructor teaching you proper form and technique. You also have fellow students there to help inspire you. You might even meet a few new friends by attending a favorite class regularly. In fact, Harvard Health Publishing notes that working out in a group setting may help you stick to an exercise plan.
