Blisters on Hands From Working Out

Wear gloves to help prevent blisters when working out.
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Hitting the rock wall or performing a series of strength-training lifts won't be as easy or enjoyable if you're nursing annoying blisters from working out. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, practice preventative measures to avoid blisters and immediate self-care if you do develop them.



Blisters on your hands when working out can be due to friction when your hands continuously rub against a piece of workout equipment, like a barbell or dumbbells.

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Blisters Lifting Weights

Blisters develop during exercise due to friction or pressure between the skin and another object like weights or the handle of a piece of exercise equipment. The friction or pressure causes a fluid called serum to build up beneath the skin and cause a small pocket, which looks like a bump on the skin. In some cases, blood may also build up in the pocket, resulting in a blood blister. Harvard Health suggests asking a trainer to show you the correct way to lift a barbell or dumbbells for each exercise. Proper form is always recommended and in this case, proper grip, may prevent the development of friction blisters.

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Read more: What Are the Pros and Cons of Putting Chalk on Hands When Lifting Weights?

What to Do

When you develop blisters on your hands, first wash the area with gentle soap and running water, especially if any of the blisters have popped. Dry the area thoroughly. Use hydrogen peroxide or another sanitizing solution to swab the area to kill off any remaining harmful bacteria or other microorganisms. Cover the blister with an adhesive bandage to protect it from being infected and from further irritation. Use the disinfectant spray provided at gyms to sanitize the barbells or dumbbells you'll be using before and after use according to Simmons College. If your bandage comes off, you won't want the blister infected.


Wear Workout Gloves

Invest in padded weight-lifting gloves to provide a barrier between the equipment and your hands recommends the Victoria State Government. Find gloves that wick moisture away from your skin so that you won't have the same problem developing. Also, go for finger-less gloves to let your hands "breathe" a little and to cut down the build up of sweat. If you can find them, go for the gloves that also wrap around your wrists and secure with Velcro. A little extra support is always a good thing, especially if you are new to lifting weights.


Read more: Hand Pain When Lifting Weights

Keep Your Hands Dry

Blisters develop more frequently if your hands are moist. Keep a towel handy to wipe sweat off your hands while exercising. Remove any jewelry that might cause friction between your hands and the equipment. If you're going to be spreading petroleum jelly on your hands to reduce friction, make sure your workout lasts less than one hour; after which you will be just as susceptible to blisters again. Apply moleskin to areas on your hands that get recurring blisters. Above all, practice correct form when lifting weights.
