What Are the Health Benefits of Rose Wine?

Rosé is a low calorie wine that contains more revasterol than white wine.

Rosé is the perfect year-round wine, from spring picnics to summer barbecues to fall dinners. More than 190,000 photos are tagged with #roseallday on Instagram, so there are a lot of rosé fans out there!


There truly is a rosé wine out there for everyone, with both dry and sweet varieties available, depending on your preference. Like red and white wines, rosé wines are made from grapes, but rosé may include both red and white grapes because that's just how rosé rolls. What a rebel.

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The production process and health benefits of rosé wine are similar to those associated with red wines, including improved cardiovascular health and potent antioxidants. When it comes to a choice between rosé and white wine, rosé is the healthier choice because it contains more antioxidants. Research has also shown white wine drinkers have a 13 percent higher risk of cancer than red or rosé drinkers.


Rose all day! Here are the health benefits of rosé wine.

So, pour yourself an ice-cold glass and let's get into the specifics!


A little bit of alcohol actually does you good.

Moderate alcohol consumption is linked with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Alcohol, including that found in rosé wine, thins the blood and raises good, or HDL, cholesterol. It might even reduce your risk of heart disease, a heart attack or stroke. Older adults and those with risk factors for heart disease derive the greatest benefits from moderate alcohol consumption. The good news is rosé tends to contain less alcohol than both red and white wines, which is great if you don't want to overdo it.


Rosé can bring down your bad cholesterol.

Rosé can bring down your bad cholesterol.
Image Credit: Ekaterina Molchanova/iStock/GettyImages

Rosé wine contains a number of beneficial compounds with potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Polyphenols in rosé wine might help to lower LDL, or bad cholesterol, while potassium can lower blood pressure. Anti-inflammatory qualities in wine have the potential to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. As with cardiovascular benefits, positive effects are linked to moderate consumption. High levels of alcohol consumption negate these benefits.



A glass of rosé is a great option calorie-wise.

It's a great option calorie-wise.
Image Credit: sonsam/iStock/GettyImages

Rosé wine is relatively low in calories, making it a diet-friendly choice. A 5 oz. glass of rosé wine contains around 82 calories, making it one of the lowest calorie alcoholic drink choices available. The fresh, crisp flavor of rosé wine makes it an ideal spring and summer wine, pairing equally well with pasta, chicken or even a meal cooked on the grill.


Rosé contains more resveratrol than white wine. (But less than red.)

Rose contains more resveratrol than white wine.
Image Credit: tamara_kulikova/iStock/GettyImages

The most significant benefits from wine come from antioxidants in the skin of the grape, specifically resveratrol. A beneficial compound for anti-aging, resveratrol protects the brain and reduces risk of heart disease.


Red wines, fermented with the skins, have the highest levels of this beneficial antioxidant. Winemakers strain the skins from white wine immediately and rosé wines early in the production process, causing these wines to have lower levels of resveratrol. Though rosé wines contain more resveratrol than white wines, they contains less than red ones.

Some rosé wines, particularly American ones, might contain a blend of red and white wines, increasing the level of resveratrol!

And there you have it! Enjoy some delicious rosé, and remember, as with all good things, moderation is key. Cheers!
