How to Cook Toast in an Oven

As the cliché goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Image Credit: SherSor/iStock/GettyImages

As the cliché goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you need to dazzle your cooking skills for a large family and the two-slice toaster won't work fast enough, you can cook basic toast or even cinnamon toast in the oven — and you won't need to skip everyone's morning meal.


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How to Toast Bread in Oven

The BBC offers tips on the unconventional method of how to toast bread in the oven:

Equipment and Ingredients Needed

  • Baking sheet
  • Spatula or tongs
  • Butter (optional)
  • Knife (optional)
  1. Set up your oven properly: Move the top shelf in your oven to the highest it can go. Move the dial to the low broil setting and allow the oven to heat for five to 10 minutes.
  2. Choose your bread: The BBC states that fresh bread is best for toasting. This will make the middle of the bread spongy and the edges crispy. The BBC also says that you can avoid food waste by using bread past its prime that you would typically throw out.
  3. Place the bread pieces on a baking sheet: Do not worry if the edges of the bread touch, as you are toasting the tops and bottoms. If you do not have a baking sheet, or need to toast more pieces than will fit on the baking sheet, you may place the bread directly on the oven shelf. Make sure your baking sheet is clean. According to, any equipment should get washed with hot, soapy water to avoid cross contamination, especially if you've used the baking sheet for cooking raw meat.
  4. Place the baking sheet on the proper shelf: Open the oven and use the top shelf. Leave the oven door slightly open so you can watch the tops of the bread slices. Continue to cook until the bread reaches a golden brown, typically one to four minutes, depending on your oven.
  5. Watch the oven: Always keep your eye on the bread as it toasts. Bread burns easily and quickly and a simple turn of the head can be enough to turn your golden brown toast into a lump of black bread.
  6. Flip the slices of bread: You can use a spatula or tongs for this.
  7. Remove the toast: Use hot pads to remove the baking sheet or tongs if you placed the bread directly on the oven shelf to avoid burning yourself.
  8. Butter the bread (optional): Using a knife, you can decide how much butter you want to use. You might find that buttering the bread all the way to edges creates an evenly-flavored toast. If you're looking to cut calories, you might want to skip this step.
  9. Let it cool. If the toast is too hot to eat right away, the BBC notes you should let your bread cool in a triangle stack to avoid the bread getting soggy when laying flat and steaming.


Toast in the Oven Alternatives

You can cook French toast in the oven quick or even sweeten the toast up with a little cinnamon and sugar. The following options could spice up your brunch:

  • The BBC recommends flavoring the butter with cinnamon. You could also sprinkle the toast with a combination of cinnamon and sugar if you have a sweet tooth in the family.
  • To make a quick oven French toast, the organization Food Hero out of Oregon State University offers an easy recipe. You simply need to lay slices of bread on a cookie sheet and pour a mixture of egg, vanilla, milk and brown sugar over the slices. Bake for 30 minutes and serve.
  • The American Heart Association recommends using raisin bread for a French toast bake to make the flavor mirror cinnamon rolls.

Read more: 8 Breakfast Recipes for Better Focus All Day Long
