How to Do Squats With a Hip Replacement

A man squatting in the gym.
Image Credit: OJO_Images/OJO Images/Getty Images

Hip replacement surgery involves replacing an injured or worn out hip joint with an artificial hip. Artificial hips are made of plastic and metal parts, and are fitted for each patient to ensure that they are the proper size. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, certain exercises, such as weight lifting, are encouraged after hip replacement. However, you have to change up your routine on certain leg lifts such as squats.


Step 1

Stop your squats short of a full squat to protect your new hip joint. Decrease the range of motion and do not squat beyond 90 degrees, meaning that your thighs should not reach the parallel-to-the-ground point.

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Step 2

Reduce the amount of weight that you use during squats. The Knee and Hip Institute recommends limiting the weight to 60 lbs. Instead, add more balance-related squats on one leg, or hold light dumbbells instead of loading heavy weights onto a barbell.

Step 3

Add water squats and other aquatic weight lifting to your exercise regiment. The warmth and buoyancy of the water helps to provide pain-free exercise. In addition, the water provides resistance and support during the squat and stand phase of the exercise, meaning you get more benefit from the move.


Wait until your doctor clears you to resume leg weight-lifting exercises before resuming squats as part of your training program. According to the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the pain usually stops six weeks after surgery, and exercise programs can begin at that point.

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Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.