What Are the Benefits of Cinnamon Apple Tea?

Cinnamon sticks and red apple
Image Credit: peanut_roaster/iStock/Getty Images

The seasonal scent of cinnamon originates from the bark of trees found off the southeastern coast of India on the island of Sri Lanka. As cinnamon was a rare commodity in West Asia, Europe and Africa, the spice was sold at prices that helped create many prosperous nations. Though cinnamon was originally valued as a culinary additive, its benefits are further reaching. Try boiling a few skinless, seedless apples, draining the tea and adding a pinch of cinnamon to reap all that the spice has to offer.


Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Stabilizer

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Cinnamon has been found to help regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol. A study by the NWFP Agricultural University in Pakistan found that 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon taken daily reduced blood-sugar levels, triglycerides and cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes. The addition of cinnamon to apple tea magnifies the fruit's inherent role in metabolizing cholesterol through an added boost of manganese.

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Vitamin B-6

Apples help to carry and increase the amount of oxygen needed by body systems through the water-soluble vitamin B-6 they contain. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, vitamin B-6 also plays a vital role in the immune system by helping to maintain lymphoid organs that make white blood cells. The University of Arizona found that cinnamon can enhance the role of B-6 by providing antioxidant support to damaged human epithelial cells.


Fiber Support

Along with helping to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis, the dietary fiber found in apples and cinnamon can help guard against colon cancer. Colorado State University says this is reflective of fiber's ability to accelerate waste removal, allowing less exposure to toxins in the digestive system. The U.S. National Library of Medicine found cinnamon extracts to be a chemo-preventive for colon cancer due to its ability of protecting cells against oxidative stress.
