Walking is a low-impact and effective method of cardiovascular exercise. It's important to factor in the intensity and inclination level while walking to measure the effectiveness on your metabolism. Metabolism is a process in which substances such as food are broken down and used for energy. A 200-pound person walking at 2mph can lose 255 calories in one hour, according to Panhandle Health. When it comes to walking, how much you boost your metabolism depends on your personal effort.
Making an Effort
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When walking, you increase your metabolism with a higher degree of speed, endurance and inclination. Your metabolism burns through calories -- the protein, carbs and fats -- to sustain your energy levels during a walk. By increasing your personal effort when walking, your body increases its demand for energy, which increases your metabolism. Brisk walking uphill or walking moderately for an extended duration of one hour are ways you can rev up your metabolism when walking.
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A Walk Uphill
Researchers have found positive results on hill walking's effect on increasing metabolism. A 2005 review by "Sports Medicine" states that hill walking increases fat metabolism to maintain blood glucose levels. Hill walking is also effective in increasing your metabolism when you walk in a low-to-moderate pace over an extended period. However, older adults and those with a low fitness level are more prone to injury and the effects of poor weather such as hypothermia. Alternatively, walking on a treadmill on incline can provide many of the benefits of hill walking without exposing yourself to adverse weather.
Walking On a Regular Basis
Walking several times per week can effectively increase your basal metabolic rate, which is how fast your metabolism works when you are resting. The "Journal of the American Dietetic Association" found that women who walked for nine hours per week experienced a lower body-fat percentage and an increased basal metabolic rate. The participants in the study who maintained a sedentary lifestyle – of one hour of walking per week -- did not experience the same benefits. Brisk walking for five hours per week will provide similar metabolic benefits in less time due to the increase in pace and energy
Getting More from Your Workout
To intensity your walking session you can strap on wrist weights or a weight vest. Other weighted clothing such as ankle weights disrupts your walking mechanics, while hand weights can increase your blood pressure when it's gripped tight. The American Council on Exercise recommends you use between 1-to-3 pounds for wrist weights and wear weighted vest between 5-to-10 percent of your body weight.
- Panhandle Health District: Calories Burned Per Hour
- Sports Medicine: Physiological And Metabolic Aspects Of Very Prolonged Exercise With Particular Reference To Hill Walking.
- Journal of the American Dietetic Association: Effects Of Habitual Physical Activity On The Resting Metabolic Rates And Body Compositions Of Women Aged 35 To 50 Years
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Need?
- ACE Fitness: Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks If Individuals Hold Dumbbells In Their Hands While Doing Step Aerobics Or Other Cardio Activities?