Foods to Avoid With a Mold Allergy

Avoid mushrooms.
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If you have been diagnosed with a mold allergy, recovery may not be as simple as removing all sources of mold from your house and environment. Some of the foods you eat may include mold and cause an allergic reaction. Check all food for visible mold before eating it, recommends the Cleveland Clinic. Additionally, stay away from foods that are fermented and naturally contain mold and fungi.



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Close up of button mushrooms.
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Mushrooms are a fungus, which may contain mold, even if they are fresh and recently purchased, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Avoid mushrooms, cooked or raw. Mushrooms may be added to salads, soups, casseroles and quiches in restaurants without your knowledge. Ask for an ingredients list before ordering these items to be sure that the meal does not contain mushrooms.

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Dairy can contain mold.
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Dairy products that have been fermented contain mold, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Avoid all cheeses but particularly blue cheese and other cheeses that contain visible mold. Additionally, avoid all fermented dairy products like sour cream, buttermilk and sour milk. Foods like pancakes and scones and other baked goods may contain buttermilk. Consult the baker to determine whether these products contain any fermented dairy products.



Smoked meat.
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Cured, pickled, and smoked meats and fish designed to have a long shelf life may contain high levels of mold. Avoid any fish or meat that is over 24 hours old, recommends the Cleveland Clinic. This includes prepackaged meats like lunch meats, salami, smoked fish and sardines. When cooking fish or meat, purchase it fresh from a butcher or grocery store, not frozen. Cook the meat or fish immediately after purchasing it.


Other Fermented Foods

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Other fermented foods that may cause an allergic reaction for individuals with mold allergies include sauerkraut; foods that contain vinegar or are soaked in vinegar such as pickles, olives, capers, salad dressing or ketchup; dried fruits like dates, figs, dried cranberries and raisins; wine and beer; soy sauce; breads that contain a large amount of yeast like sourdough and pumpernickel breads. Order salads with dressings on the side, and ask the chef if any vinegar or soy sauce is used in preparing the meal you are ordering at a restaurant.

references & resources

Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.