The Number of Calories Burned Shoveling Snow and How to Do It Safely

Shoveling snow burns a lot of calories — just make sure you're doing it safely.
Image Credit: Christopher Kimmel / Aurora Photos/Aurora Open/GettyImages

Clearing your snow-covered walks and driveway may be your most dreaded winter chore, but it also burn lots of calories pretty quickly. Snow shoveling is a dynamic cardio exercise that works the muscles in your legs, core, back, shoulders and arms.


Though the exact number of calories depends on a variety of factors, there's no doubt it's a good workout. As you work, you walk around, lift a shovel loaded with frozen water, brace your core, thighs and upper body against the weight and repeat a full range of movement with each toss.

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And all of this add up to a strenuous workout. But in the frigid temperatures, it's essential to take precautions to stay safe.


Shoveling snow burns about 216 calories in 30 minutes (for a 155-pound person). A 125-pound person would burn 180 calories in the same amount of time, and a 185-pound individual burns 252 calories.

Calories Burned Shoveling Snow

Before diving into specifics, let's start with a basic estimate: A 155-pound person shoveling snow for 30 minutes burns about 216 calories, according to Harvard Health Publishing. That number is 180 for a 125-pound person and 252 for a 185-pound person.

Why is body weight such a major factor in how many calories a person burns? Think of it this way: You're hauling your body weight around at the same time as you're clearing the sidewalk. So the more weight you're carrying around, the more calories you burn.


Calories Burned Shoveling Snow


Calories Burned (30 min.)

Calories Burned (1 hr.)

125 lbs (56.7 kg)



155 lbs (70.3 kg)



185 lbs (83.9 kg)



Source(s): Harvard Health Publishing

3 Factors That Affect the Amount of Calories Burned

1. Intensity

Several other variables come into play when shoveling snow. The first is intensity. If you're casually shoveling light, powdery snow from the sidewalk, you're going to burn fewer calories than someone who's quickly moving icy, packed snow out of the way.


When the snow is heavier and you're moving more quickly, your body responds by increasing your heart rate, which means your body is burning more calories to fuel the activity. Additionally, if you're scooping up a heavy load, your body recruits more muscle fibers to help you lift it.

2. Time

If you're only out there slinging snow for 10 minutes, you're going to burn fewer calories than if you were working for 30 minutes. However, if you were shoveling snow intensely for only 10 minutes, you may burn a similar amount of calories as someone who is moving fluffy snow at a slower pace for 30 minutes. (This applies to all activities.)



3. Resting or Using a Snow Blower

Taking long rests between short bouts of shoveling — or using a snow blower instead of a shovel — also reduces the amount of calories you burn. A 185-pound person using a snow blower for 30 minutes burns only 189 calories, compared to 252 when shoveling by hand.

Do You Burn More Calories in the Cold?

While you may think you'll burn a ton of extra calories the colder it is outside, that's not necessarily true.


If you're bundled up (which you absolutely should be), your clothes are helping you stay warm and will help trap heat and sweat as you get moving, says Zac Schlader, PhD, associate professor of kinesiology at Indiana University and fellow for the American College of Sports Medicine.

Related Reading

5 Steps to Stay Safe While Shoveling Snow

Snow shoveling is intense cardio work, so make sure you're in decent shape first. If you're older, out-of-shape and mostly sedentary, and/or have a medical condition that could put you at risk when performing high-intensity exercise, check with your physician before tackling the front walk.


Then, follows these tips to stay safe and injury-free while shoveling snow:

1. Proceed With Caution

"Snow shoveling is responsible for thousands of injuries and as many as 100 deaths each year," according to the National Safety Council. Allow yourself plenty of time to get the job done so you don't put too much stress on your heart or strain on your muscles, says Curtis Cunningham, director rehabilitation services at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore.


2. Warm Up Beforehand

Just like you wouldn't deadlift a loaded barbell without first doing some dynamic stretches and range-of-motion exercises, you shouldn't tackle the layer of snow outside cold. Do some core rotations, jumping jacks and side-to-side reaches to get your heart rate up and your muscles (specifically your core) ready for action.


3. Hold the Shovel Properly

"The closer the shovel with the snow on it can stay to your body, the easier and less heavy it will be," Cunningham says. "If the handle is too long, it will be farther from your body and each load will be heavier than it needs to be."

4. Bend Your Knees; Don't Lift With Your Back

"Backs don't react well to a lot of twisting, especially while carrying something heavy, like a shovel and snow," Cunningham says. So each time you lift the shovel, bend at the knees and use your legs to lift, not your back. Also, take frequent breaks and do some quick stretches when you've finished shoveling.

5. Watch for Signs of a Heart Attack

Strains and sprains aren't the only dangers shoveling snow can bring. When snows fall and people need to clear their walks and driveways, Mikhail Varshavski, DO, a family and sports medicine specialist in New York and New Jersey, sees a spike in heart attacks.

The cold causes arteries to constrict, increasing blood pressure. That's why listening to your body is extremely important, Dr. Varshavski says.


If you notice any unusual sensations — including chest pressure or discomfort; aches in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach; shortness of breath, even without chest discomfort; breaking out in a cold sweat; nausea or lightheadedness — call 911 immediately.

If you have heart attack risk factors, such as high cholesterol, peripheral arterial disease (PAD) or are middle-aged or older, don’t shovel snow. Instead, hire a neighbor or local snowplow service to clear your walks and driveway.
