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Child's pose is one yoga position that may help relieve gas.
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Everyone gets a little gassy from time to time. But nobody likes it, especially when gas is smelly — which is why home remedies for gas are always appreciated.


Still, the best way to banish bloat isn't always clear. Natural remedies for gas abound, but not all of them are proven problem-solvers. And in fact, some DIY treatments might actually do more harm than good.

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So what can you do to win the wind war, and which fixes really aren't worth it? Here are some home remedies for quick gas relief, and what experts suggest to prevent gas pain and bloating.


If you have excess or smelly gas along with other symptoms, like severe stomach pain or blood in your stool, go to the doctor to rule out underlying food sensitivities or GI conditions.

First, What Causes Gas?

The process of digestion (and subsequently, gas) happens as soon as you eat or drink. Food starts in your mouth, then travels through your esophagus to your stomach and then small intestine, where most digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs.

Whatever is left over (usually waste coupled with fiber) travels to your large intestine, where bacteria and yeast begin to feed on it, per Unity Point Health.


"We have 100,000 bacteria in our small intestine and millions in our colon. Those bacteria and yeast like to eat the foods we eat. When they metabolize those foods, they produce gas," says Carolyn Newberry, MD, a gastroenterologist at NewYork-Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.

Gas is then produced as a byproduct of bacteria feeding on sugars in our waste — through a process called fermentation, Dr. Newberry says. This gas is actually made up of several different gases, including the following, per Dr. Newberry:


  • Nitrogen
  • Hydrogen
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Oxygen
  • Methane
  • Sulfur

When gas builds up, it can cause you to fart. But don't worry: Everybody does it an average of five to 15 times per day. And even though sulfur accounts for only about 1 percent of the volume of your gas, it's the reason gas smells (or doesn't), per the U.K.'s National Health Service.

Plus, "everyone has a different tolerance about how much gas they can feel," Dr. Newberry says. "It all depends on your nerve sensitivity."



Why Does Gas Smell?

Different types of bacteria produce different gases as they feed on sugars. If the bacteria in your GI tract produce a lot of sulfur compounds or a combination of sulfur compounds, it can make smelly farts more likely, per Unity Point Health.

Smelly gas is also more likely to occur the longer the food sits in your large intestine, because the longer the food is there, the more time the bacteria have to feed on it and produce sulfur, according to Unity Point Health.

The type of odor you smell also has to do with sulfur. As you may already know from personal experience, not all smelly gas has the same scent. Different sulfur compounds make different smells, including the following, per Unity Point Health:

  • Hydrogen sulfide (the most common) produces a rotten egg smell.
  • Methanethiol produces a rotting smell.
  • Dimethyl sulfide produces a sweet-like cabbage smell.

Because sulfur compounds produce the smell in your farts, eating foods high in sulfur will result in smelly flatulence. You may also have foul-smelling gas if you're intolerant to certain foods or if you have underlying conditions that make it harder for you to properly digest gas-forming foods.

Natural Remedies for Gas

Now that we know how gas is formed (and that it's perfectly natural to have ‌some‌ gas when you digest food), here are some natural gas remedies for when it gets excessive or particularly smelly.

1. Get Some Exercise

"It's long been known that activity and bowel function go hand in hand," says Jeff Scott, MD, board-certified gastroenterologist and founder of Happy Colon Foods. When you move your body, the food in your GI tract keeps moving, too.


"When we develop a sluggish colon, stool sits too long and continues to undergo fermentation by colonic bacteria, which produces gas as a byproduct," Dr. Scott says.

That's why regular physical activity can help keep constipation at bay and prevent gassy buildup, according to the Mayo Clinic. In fact, exercise can accelerate the movement of gas through your GI tract, per an April 2019 review in ‌Exercise and Sports Science Reviews‌.


Slow digestion is also associated with ‌smellier‌ farts, per Unity Point Health, so getting enough exercise to stimulate your digestive system may help you pass non-smelly gas. Post-meal walk, anyone?

2. Drink Water

Another great reason to stay hydrated? Drinking water may help your digestion, reducing the amount of gas you produce, per the Cleveland Clinic.


A glass of H2O plays a key role in breaking down food as it passes through your gut, as well as making stool soft and easy to pass, according to the Mayo Clinic. And both of those things can fight the formation of gas.

Water also helps cleanse toxins from your organs, carries nutrients through your body and protects your tissues, per the Mayo Clinic. So if you don't get enough water, dehydration can affect all of your body's systems.


Plus, dehydration can cause flatulence in its own way — it's a risk factor for constipation, which can lead to excess gas and bloating, according to the Mayo Clinic. Staying hydrated is one way to reduce the chances of feeling that gas discomfort.

If, on the other hand, you find yourself ‌burping‌ after drinking water, try slowing down. Belching is often a symptom of swallowing excess air, which can happen if you eat, drink or talk too quickly, per the Mayo Clinic. (More on that below.)

How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?

Use this equation to determine how much water you should drink every day:

Body weight (in pounds) ÷ 2 = minimum ounces of water you should drink per day.

3. Try Certain Yoga Poses

"Yoga poses can allow you to release gas," Dr. Newberry says. "Even a few squats might help."

In fact, regular yoga can be an effective way to manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms like gas, according to a December 2016 review in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

And while there's not much formal research on gas-fighting poses for people ‌without‌ IBS, experts say positions that involve bringing your knees to your chest could probably be helpful — especially to relieve gas pain fast.

A few yoga poses for gas relief — like child's pose, downward dog, happy baby and "wind-relieving pose" (where you lie down on your back and bring your knees to your chest) — are good examples to try.

"It's almost like promoting forward movement, like pushing air out of an air mattress before folding it up," says Rabia De Latour, MD, gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health.

Here's a breakdown of how to do a few positions:

Wind-Relieving Pose

  1. Start by lying on your back on a mat or soft surface.
  2. Slowly bring one knee to your chest, grasping it with both hands and pulling it toward your body. Hold for 5 seconds, then release.
  3. Repeat with the other knee.
  4. Bring both knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them to pull them closer to your body.
  5. Hold for 5 seconds, rocking gently side to side, then release.


Child's Pose

  1. Start by kneeling on a mat or soft surface.
  2. Place your hands on the mat, then slowly push your bottom back onto your heels.
  3. With your arms stretched out in front of you, palms on the mat, lower your forehead to the mat so your chest and abdomen are against your upper thighs (you can spread your knees if that's more comfortable).
  4. Hold for 30 seconds or as long as feels good to you.

Happy Baby

  1. Start by lying on your back on your mat or a soft surface.
  2. Slowly bring your knees into your chest, taking hold of the outer edges of your feet.
  3. Spread your knees apart, bringing them up toward your armpits.
  4. Flex your heels as you push your feet into your hands, making sure your ankles are directly over your knees and your shins are perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Hold or gently rock side to side for 30 seconds, or as long as feels good.

4. Sip Tea

It's possible that the right herbal tea after a meal could ease your symptoms, Dr. De Latour says. "There's virtually no downside to trying, so it's a great option," she says.

If you're curious what tea helps with bloating, here are a few potentially anti-gas, anti-nausea herbal teas to consider when you have stomach pain:

  • Peppermint tea:‌ Peppermint has compounds that encourage the gastrointestinal tract to relax, according to a September 2019 review in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.‌ And that could be one way to release gas from your stomach.
  • Lemon balm tea:‌ This herb is also a member of the mint family, and there's some evidence to suggest it can relieve gas, bloating and indigestion, per Mount Sinai.
  • Chamomile tea:‌ The ‌Plant Foods for Human Nutrition‌ review concluded chamomile can also encourage your mind and your GI tract to relax, making this another solid after-dinner tea option.
  • Ginger tea:‌ Taking ginger and artichoke leaf capsules before meals helped reduce feelings of pain and bloating, per an April 2015 study in ‌Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine‌. The tea can also help relieve symptoms of indigestion, per the Cleveland Clinic.


Other teas to try include the following, per Brigham and Women's Hospital:

  • Anise
  • Caraway
  • Coriander
  • Fennel
  • Turmeric
  • Licorice

But what is the best tea to drink for bloating? Is there a frontrunner when it comes to peppermint tea vs. ginger tea's benefits? The Cleveland Clinic's pick for overall gut health is ginger tea, as it can improve digestion and calm nausea and indigestion.

A few others we love include: Yogi Stomach Ease ($9.19, Walmart), Traditional Medicinals Belly Comfort Peppermint Herbal Tea ($8.97, Amazon) and Gaia Herbs Gas and Bloating Herbal Tea ($7.99, Vitamin Shoppe).

Does Green Tea Help With Bloating?

While some say green tea helps with gas and bloating, it's not yet clear whether it's effective at easing digestive distress, per the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

If you decide to try green tea, keep in mind that it has caffeine, which some people should limit, including those with heart problems or anemia, or people taking certain medications.

5. Eat Gut-Friendly Foods

So, what is the best thing to take for flatulence? Foods rich in probiotics are a good bet.

While there are no foods that eliminate or "absorb" gas, probiotic-rich foods increase digestive-supporting bacteria and reduce bad bacteria that interfere with digestion — which over time could promote a healthier gut, according to the Cleveland Clinic. And a healthier gut can mean less gas.

Probiotic foods that may reduce gas and bloating include:

Foods rich in prebiotics — special plant fibers — might be helpful, too. Prebiotics nourish the good bacteria in your GI tract to help the friendly microbes do their job, which could set the stage for better digestion, according to the Mayo Clinic.

You can find prebiotics in fiber-rich plant foods like:

Sometimes, eating fiber-rich foods, along with drinking more water, can also help move waste through the digestive system and help you empty your bowels so that waste has less time to ferment (and cause gas), per the Mayo Clinic.

Slowly Introduce Fiber to Avoid Gas

Fiber is an essential nutrient that helps promote good digestion and regular bowel movements, per the Mayo Clinic. But if you don't currently eat a lot of fiber, eating too much too fast can actually make foul-smelling gas, bloating and discomfort worse.

To avoid these symptoms, gradually work up to the recommended daily amount for adults of 22 to 34 grams, per the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

6. Avoid or Limit Certain Foods and Drinks

If you notice a particular food or drink tends to make you gassy and you're wondering how to stop farting, one of the most effective ways to prevent flatulence naturally is to steer clear of the problem food, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

Different things can be gas triggers for different people. Typically, high-FODMAP foods (which stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) are common culprits.

These are foods that have large amounts of naturally occurring sugars that can be hard for some people to digest, per Johns Hopkins Medicine. As a result, they're not the best foods to prevent gas.

Here are some high-FODMAP foods and other gas-inducing ingredients to only eat in moderation or avoid:

  • Certain high-fiber foods:‌ Bran, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, beans and Brussels sprouts are some of the most notorious offenders, according to the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG).
  • Starchy veggies:‌ Potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn can also create gas as they break down in your GI tract, per the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFGD).
  • Sugar-free snacks, gum and candies:‌ Many have sugar alcohols like sorbitol, which can make you gassy, per the ACG. That's because sorbitol is broken down very slowly by your body — meaning it stays in your system longer than most other foods — and can cause bloating from gas-producing bacteria in your intestines. Some fruits have sorbitol along with fructose, including apples, pear, peaches and prunes, per the IFGD.
  • Carbonated drinks:‌ Bubbly beverages are a primary risk factor for belching, bloating and gas because they create excess air in your digestive system, according to the ACG.
  • Fried or fatty foods:Fast foods like fried chicken and cheeseburgers are harder for your body to digest, which can cause gas and indigestion, per the NIDDK. Instead, opt for fish, seafood or leaner meats like chicken, which are foods that may help you stop farting if fattier meats are to blame for your bloat.
  • Dairy products:‌ If you're lactose intolerant, milk, ice cream and some cheeses could make you bloated and gassy, per the ACG.

And when it comes to smelly gas, there are certain foods that are more likely to produce an odor, including the following, per the IFGD:

  • Alcohol (especially beer)
  • Coffee
  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Dried fruit
  • Radishes
  • Chicken
  • Nuts
  • Anything with a lot of seasoning

7. Swallow Less Air

Another factor that contributes to gas: "Inadvertently swallowing more air as you chew, drink or sip through straws," Dr. Newberry says.

It may seem like a strange suggestion to swallow less air, especially because you might not even realize you're be doing it, but swallowing air can make gas worse.

Although the majority of the air you swallow comes back up and exits the body as a belch, some goes through the intestines and is turned into flatulence, per Harvard Health Publishing.

You can limit the amount of air you swallow by trying the following, per the IFGD:

  • Not drinking beverages with a straw
  • Trying not to chew gum or suck on mints or hard candies regularly
  • Eating your food slowly instead of rushing through your meals
  • Trying to quit smoking, as it prompts you to take in more air
  • If you wear dentures, checking in with your dentist to make sure they fit correctly. Ill-fitting dentures can also make you swallow more air

"Air-swallowing" is also common in people with anxiety, according to Kaiser Permanente. So if you're prone to tension, try using stress-reduction techniques like meditation, or reach out to a therapist for support.

Try Taking Deep Breaths to Relieve Gas Pain

If your gas pain is accompanied by belching or you're getting gas pain while eating, slow down and try diaphragmatic breathing, says gastroenterologist Cecilia Kelly, MD, clinical associate professor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.

Deep belly breathing massages your stomach and intestines to ease bloating, according to the University of Michigan.

While sitting, inhale through your nose into your belly (your belly should expand). Then take a long exhale out through your mouth.

8. Consider Digestive Enzymes

If you regularly deal with gas while eating certain foods, you can try taking digestive enzymes like Beano (for high-fiber food) or Lactaid (for dairy products) before you eat.

These tablets can help your body break down carbohydrates and sugars in your food before they get to the bacteria in your digestive system so they produce less gas, per Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Digestive enzymes are especially helpful for getting rid of smelly farts in people with underlying conditions like lactose intolerance. Always talk to your doctor before trying any new supplement. They can help you figure out the right product and dose for you.

9. Try a Self-Massage

Giving your stomach a gentle massage may help gas escape, Dr. Newberry says. It can also help move stool in your colon.

To try it, the University of Michigan suggests rubbing your belly in a circular motion from the right hip bone up to your ribs, across your upper abdomen, then back down to the left hip bone and across to your bellybutton. Continue for 2 to 3 minutes.

10. Try an Over-the-Counter Medicine

If you've tried everything to get rid of a painful gas bubble or a bout of smelly gas, but nothing has worked, you can turn to over-the-counter medications for relief.

Dr. Newberry recommends Gas-X ($11.59, Amazon). "This medication, available over the counter, has simethicone — an ingredient that pops gas bubbles to relieve abdominal pressure," she says.

Pepcid ($16.42, Amazon) is another good choice if you're also having symptoms of indigestion or heartburn.

What About Probiotic Supplements?

If probiotic-rich foods are good for digestion, is it better to just pop a pill? Probiotic supplements may play a role in managing gas and bloating, according to a May 2019 ‌Advances in Therapy‌ review.

But for now, the research is unclear on the best probiotics for gas and flatulence — we don't know which probiotic strains or combination of probiotics work best in treating certain diseases or health conditions, per the Cleveland Clinic.

What's more, you might have some unintended side effects. Probiotics could cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, flatulence or bloating in the first few days after taking them, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

In all, "some studies have shown minor benefit and some have not," Dr. De Latour says.

Instead of focusing on supplements, she recommends sticking with a well-rounded, plant-based diet and avoiding foods that seem to trigger gas for you.


Talk to your doctor before trying any probiotic supplement, as the FDA doesn't require these products to be proven safe or effective before they're sold. There’s no guarantee any supplement you take is safe, has the ingredients it says it does or produces the effects it claims.

What About Papaya Enzymes?

Papain, an enzyme found in papaya, has traditionally been touted for its ability to aid digestion and settle upset stomachs. But the benefits aren't backed by any high-quality research, Dr. Scott says.

In fact, papain might make your stomach woes worse. According to an August 2014 ‌Mayo Clinic Proceedings‌ review, over-the-counter papain supplements can trigger gastritis — stomach inflammation that can cause pain, nausea and vomiting.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Bloating or Gas?

Many tout apple cider vinegar for bloating, indigestion and gas. But there's zero credible evidence that using ACV for bloating or gas works.

Plus, because it's acidic, drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar for gas and bloating could actually irritate your stomach and aggravate conditions like acid reflux, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

And while there's no evidence to show ACV helps with bloating, the risk of trying a diluted dose of the drink is low, per the Cleveland Clinic. In fact, there are some benefits to drinking vinegar, as its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties may help regulate blood sugar and ward off certain infections.

Again, there's no science to suggest that apple cider vinegar does help with bloating. But if you're interested in potentially reaping the other benefits, you can start by mixing one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a warm mug of water, per the Cleveland Clinic.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Make You Fart?

There's no evidence that ACV routinely causes gas. But for some, the acidic taste alone may lead to related symptoms like nausea or vomiting, per the Cleveland Clinic.

What About Baking Soda?

Baking soda is thought to be a DIY heartburn remedy — albeit one with potentially harmful consequences if you take too much too quickly , according to September 2013 findings in the ‌Journal of Medical Toxicology‌.

But does baking soda really help with gas? Likely not — there's no evidence that it can help get rid of gas pain or bloating.

"It has the ability to quickly neutralize acid and raise the pH in your stomach. But that does not prevent gas and can cause some problems with medication absorption and increase fluid retention due to its salt content," Dr. Scott says.

In other words, steer clear of this supposed natural remedy for gas and acidity.

How to Prevent Gas and Bloating

While gas is a normal part of digestion, preventing ‌excessive‌ or smelly gas is helpful if you find it to be painful or it's happening too often.

Try the following strategies to prevent excess gas and alleviate gas pain, per Brigham and Women's Hospital:

  • Slow down when you eat
  • Sit up at the table with proper posture
  • Chew food completely
  • Avoid carbonated beverages, gum and using a straw
  • Avoid gas-producing foods
  • Take a digestive enzyme before eating, if you know you're going to eat particularly gassy foods

When to See a Doctor About Excessive Gas

If your excessive or smelly gas comes along with other GI issues like diarrhea, constipation, bloody stool or any of the above with a fever, talk to your doctor, Dr. Newberry says. You may be dealing with an underlying food intolerance, allergy or GI condition that needs to be treated.

And while at the doctor, don't be afraid to bring up the topic of gas: While pooping and farting might not be dinner-table fodder, it's what gastroenterologists talk about all day.

"If you ever have questions, talk to your doctor," Dr. Kelly urges. "I have patients every week who say they're embarrassed to ask something, but these topics are not embarrassing to us."


Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.