If you're into the rebounding craze, you'll be happy to hear that it's an effective exercise that can help you lose weight and improve your health. The calories burned on a trampoline depend on many factors, so wearing a heart rate monitor while jumping is the only way to get an accurate count.
How many calories you'll burn jumping on a mini-trampoline for 10 minutes depends on your weight, the intensity of your workout and other factors.
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Calories Burned on a Trampoline
Everyone burns calories differently. You burn calories all day long, even when you're not exercising, and you may burn more or less than another person doing the same activity. This has to do with many factors including your age, sex and weight, explains the Mayo Clinic.
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When it comes to exercise, these all come into play, but another important factor is intensity. When you're trampolining, how hard are you working? According to the Mayo Clinic, the higher the intensity of your rebounding workout, the more calories you'll burn.
You should be aiming for a moderate to vigorous intensity to get the most calories burned on a trampoline in 10 minutes. At a moderate intensity, the Mayo Clinic says your breathing will quicken, but you won't be out of breath; you'll likely have broken out into a light sweat by the end of your 10-minute workout. At this intensity, you could have a conversation, but you probably couldn't carry a tune.
At a vigorous intensity, your breathing gets deeper and more rapid. Talking gets more difficult, and you probably can't say more than a few words without needing to take a big breath. You also sweat a lot more.
You can liken it to the difference between a brisk walk, which is a moderate-intensity activity, or jogging at a pace of 6 miles per hour, which is a vigorous activity, according to Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.
Per Harvard Health Publishing estimates, that's the difference between burning about 50 to 73 calories or 100 to 148 calories in 10 minutes, depending on your weight. The more you weigh, the more calories you'll burn because it takes more effort to move your body.
Researchers from the American Council on Exercise determined some more specific estimates for calories burned trampolining in a small ACE-sponsored 2016 study. They were able to make intensity more consistent by having all the participants do the same routine during a monitored exercise session.
Participants wore heart rate monitors so researchers could collect data that enabled them to determine the per-minute calorie burn, which was 9.4 for women with an average weight of 142 pounds and 12.4 for men with an average weight of 184 pounds. In 10 minutes of trampolining at the intensity of the programmed workout in the study, women burned 94 calories in 10 minutes and men burned 124 calories in 10 minutes.
Calculating Calories Lost
So, depending on how hard you're working and your weight, in 10 minutes you'll probably experience somewhere between 50 and 150 calories burned on a trampoline. Is that enough to meet your goals?
In all likelihood, you'll need to do more than that to make a meaningful impact on your weight. And you'll also need to do more to meet the minimum amount of cardiovascular exercise the US Department of Health and Human Services says adults need each week.
At a moderate-intensity, you should be getting at least 150 to 300 minutes of exercise a week. Even if you jump for 10 minutes a day, you're not even halfway to the minimum.
If you work out more vigorously, you need to do so for at least 75 to 150 minutes per week. You're almost to the minimum if you do 10 minutes of vigorous trampolining each day, but there's room for improvement.
To meet the minimum guidelines, you'll need to do at least five 30-minute moderate-intensity rebounding workouts or three 25-minute vigorous trampoline workouts each week. At that rate, you'll be burning upwards of 750 to 1,125 calories a week from rebounding. As long as you eat a calorie-controlled diet, that's enough to start seeing some real weight loss results.
Many Benefits of Rebounding
Need convincing? In a small study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness in March 2018, 12 weeks of rebounding exercise resulted in significant improvements in body composition, including fat mass, lean muscle mass and circumference measurements in 18 overweight women.
Trampolining can do more than just help you lose weight. Another small study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness in April 2018 found that mini-trampoline exercise was beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. A third small study in the Journal of Sport and Health Science published in December 2016 found that trampolining had positive effects on bone density and lower body muscle strength.
And results of a study published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand in September 2015 reported that compared to doing aerobic dance exercise on a hard floor, jumping on a mini trampoline developed more lower body muscular strength and balance and put less pressure on the soles of the feet.
- The Mayo Clinic: "Metabolism and Weight Loss: How You Burn Calories"
- The Mayo Clinic: "Exercise Intensity: How to Measure It"
- Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health: "Examples of Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity"
- Harvard Health Publishing: "Calories Burned in 30 Minutes for People of Three Different Weights"
- US Department of Health and Human Services: "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans"
- Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness: "Effects of a Mini-Trampoline Rebounding Exercise Program on Functional Parameters, Body Composition and Quality of Life in Overweight Women"
- Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness: "Influence of a Mini-Trampoline Rebound Exercise Program on Insulin Resistance, Lipid Profile and Central Obesity in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes"
- Journal of Sport and Health Science: "Competitive Trampolining Influences Trabecular Bone Structure, Bone Size, and Bone Strength"
- Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand: "A Comparison between the Effects of Aerobic Dance Training on Mini-Trampoline and Hard Wooden Surface on Bone Resorption, Health-Related Physical Fitness, Balance, and Foot Plantar Pressure in Thai Working Women"
- American Council on Exercise: "ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Putting Mini-trampolines to the Test"
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